![]() Hi, you’ve reached the website of Neil Bucknam, Automotive Illustrator. I have been very busy recently doing shows around Southern California, painting and printmaking. I had a great opportunity when showing my work at the Petersen Automobile Museum and was interviewed by the Discovery Channel’s HD Theater. You can see me on a couple of episodes of ‘What’s My Car Worth?’ on Tuesday nights. Take a look at a clip on Page 4 of this site. I am an active member online at Artslant.com where I was a Showcase winner a couple of months ago. You can also see my work at AutomotiveIllustrators.com or visit my Facebook account (Neil Bucknam-Artist), which I invite you all to visit and Friend. Lot's going on out there in the car world. The bankruptcy of GM would have seemed like a fiction a couple of years ago. We are all in for a fundamental change in transportation going forward. I have always painted because I am fundamentally moved to do so and have never thought of the pictures as anything other than an extension of my consciousness. Lately, I have a sense that I’ve been capturing something that may be more fleeting than I had ever thought. I will try to keep this site updated with the latest work and activities I am involved with. Good luck out there! Neil Check out the rest of the site to see more examples of my work and how to purchase prints. You can always email me with any questions or suggestions at nbucknam@aol.com. | ![]() ![]() |